Solved: How Tides Can Trigger Earthquakes
A new study led by Columbia seismologist Christopher Scholz reveals the inner workings of tidally triggered earthquakes, and finds that even the slightest stress can set off a tremor.
A new study led by Columbia seismologist Christopher Scholz reveals the inner workings of tidally triggered earthquakes, and finds that even the slightest stress can set off a tremor.
In a new study, researchers report that their physics-based model of California earthquake hazards replicated estimates from the state’s leading statistical model.
“It’s a totally new way of studying earthquakes,” said study coauthor Benjamin Holtzman. “These machine learning methods pick out very subtle differences in the raw data that we’re just learning to interpret.”
Seismologist Lynn Sykes has been working for more than 50 years to halt the testing of nuclear bombs. In his forthcoming book, he provides an insider’s look at the science behind detecting explosions and international efforts to establish a series of treaties.
Scientists probing under the seafloor off Alaska have mapped a geologic structure that they say signals potential for a major tsunami in an area that normally would be considered benign. The researchers say similar features may exist elsewhere.